A modular tool to aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report.
generated on 2024-03-29, 17:22
based on data in:
General Statistics
Showing 13/13 rows and 6/8 columns.Sample Name | % Aligned | M Aligned | % Duplication | GC content | % PF | % Adapter |
11-Undiff_S11_L006_R1_001 | 30.4% | 59.4% | 84.3% | 29.8% | ||
K3.star | 75.1% | 29.6 | ||||
K4.star | 76.0% | 31.4 | ||||
K5.star | 76.0% | 32.0 | ||||
P2.star | 74.2% | 24.1 | ||||
P3.star | 72.8% | 23.8 | ||||
P4.star | 73.3% | 25.4 | ||||
S1.star | 72.2% | 25.2 | ||||
S11.star | 74.2% | 25.8 | ||||
S47.star | 74.1% | 27.2 | ||||
S53.star | 75.5% | 30.4 | ||||
S65.star | 71.7% | 24.0 | ||||
S66.star | 74.9% | 26.9 |
STAR is an ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner.DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts635.
Alignment Scores
fastp An ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor (QC, adapters, trimming, filtering, splitting...).DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty560.
Filtered Reads
Filtering statistics of sampled reads.
Insert Sizes
Insert size estimation of sampled reads.
Sequence Quality
Average sequencing quality over each base of all reads.
GC Content
Average GC content over each base of all reads.
N content
Average N content over each base of all reads.