Information for motif2

Reverse Opposite:

log p-value:-1.181e+02
Information Content per bp:1.599
Number of Target Sequences with motif47.0
Percentage of Target Sequences with motif0.28%
Number of Background Sequences with motif3.9
Percentage of Background Sequences with motif0.01%
Average Position of motif in Targets234.3 +/- 123.8bp
Average Position of motif in Background288.7 +/- 106.0bp
Strand Bias (log2 ratio + to - strand density)-2.3
Multiplicity (# of sites on avg that occur together)1.52
Motif File:file (matrix)
reverse opposite

Similar de novo motifs found

RankMatch ScoreRedundant MotifP-valuelog P-value% of Targets% of BackgroundMotif file
10.7801e-51-117.8301450.30%0.01%motif file (matrix)
20.8881e-49-112.9963560.31%0.02%motif file (matrix)
30.7651e-37-86.6076690.24%0.01%motif file (matrix)
40.8571e-34-80.2834200.28%0.02%motif file (matrix)
50.8541e-29-68.0110930.42%0.08%motif file (matrix)
60.9461e-29-67.4564770.45%0.09%motif file (matrix)
70.9191e-23-52.9675280.71%0.25%motif file (matrix)
80.7601e-22-52.5182350.11%0.00%motif file (matrix)
90.9211e-21-49.0608850.53%0.16%motif file (matrix)
100.8581e-20-46.5981950.51%0.15%motif file (matrix)
110.6561e-18-42.51441010.85%8.85%motif file (matrix)
120.7851e-17-40.2979580.54%0.19%motif file (matrix)
130.6191e-12-29.3699310.19%0.04%motif file (matrix)
140.7161e-8-19.7051250.42%0.19%motif file (matrix)
150.8591e-5-12.7713958.57%7.63%motif file (matrix)